You wish to register to our mAPs&Co, click here

mAPs&Co is the first database gathering professionals committed and/or specialized into dance films focusing societal issues.
Open to artists, technicians, producers, distributors, curators, mAPs&Co wants to create a community sharing common interests and values.
More than just informative data, the idea here is to help in giving an idea of you professional path meeting motivations, opinions and areas of activism.
This platform is open to anyone who wants to discover or know more about professional mates targeting Societal Dance Film in their practice, in order to foster new exchanges, true dialogue and possible future collaborations.

In the general menu of, clic on LOG IN to open the Registration Page.

Clic on the link to register on mAPs&Co.

Chose a different email address that the one you may have used to log in mAPsBase.

You may use the same password or a different one.

You can use your account right away.

1. In the general menu, clic on mAPs&Co to discover the mAPs&Co menu. Then, go to My Member profile and fill in your own profile. You have to answer the questions with a * otherwise your Member profile will not be edited.
2. You can consult the mAPs&Co community of professionals going in the menu on Members and discover their own member profiles.

Now you are ready to dive in mAPs&Co
Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or struggle about mAPs&Co.

You wish to register to our mAPsBase, click here

mAPsBase is an online plateform dedidacted to research and archive purposes.
mAPsBase will welcome transmedia resources – texts, sounds, images, films – around the themes connected to the main focus of mAPs about POWER.
These inputs are meant to be shared between mAPs artistic and citizen community in order to inspire the collective process mAPs is meant to generate.
The contents shared in mAPsBase will gather:
> archives and counter-archives produced though mAPs process itself for further analysis and evaluation. These contents are mAPs property and cannot be used outside mAPs context without consent by mAPs co-founders.
> resources from outside mAPs context – articles, studies, reports, books, photos, drawings, visual arts iconography, schemas, videos, films… These resources will consulted on the website and for research purposes only. Any public use or reproduction will be again the principles of research and again copyright laws and mAPs ethics.

In the general menu of, clic on LOG IN to open the Registration Page.

Clic on the link to register on mAPsBase.

Chose a different email address that the one you may have used to log in mAPs&Co.

You may use the same password or a different one.

Marc Wagenbach is the moderator of mAPsBase in the mAPs context.

You will receive in the next few days a notification confirming your log in account is open and functional. You will be then able to both contribute and research through mAPsBase.

1. In the general menu, clic on mAPsBase to discover the mAPsBase menu. Then, go to My Member profile and fill in your own profile. You have to answer the questions with a * otherwise your Member profile will not be edited.
2. You can consult the mAPsBase community of researchers and contributors going in the menu on Members and discover their own member profiles.
3. In order to contribute and share one resource in mAPsBase, go to the mAPsBase menu and clic on Upload.